Commonly a person will appoint a relative or a trusted friend to be the executors of their Will.  There is nothing wrong with making this choice, however, if those appointed do not seek professional guidance, this can often prove to have disastrous consequences.

There is an ever increasing trend, especially in this current economic climate, for a non-professional executor to take on the task of completing the relevant papers to lead to the issue of a Grant of Probate without referring to the services of a probate practitioner, all in the name of saving money, but, in the end, do they really achieve this?

Just as the household “do-it-yourself” job can often take longer than it should and cost time and money to put right, when it comes to dealing with probate and administration of an estate, the same principle applies. Working with legal professionals is a wise investment for the non-professional executor, making the process easier, quicker and much less stressful and above all, ensures the correct procedures have been followed.

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